A Better Way

Key Energy and the Fry Mizer automated oil system started from humble beginnings in the late 1980s. The two Co-founders were working their way through college at a nationally recognized chicken chain.

At that time, this chicken chain used cubed AV shortening that had to be carved up and melted in the piping hot fryers. There had to be a better way.

When it was time to drain the fryers and discard the waste oil, the two students would make clever excuses to one another to keep from carrying the stock pots of hot oil 50 yards away and across the parking lot to a messy waste oil tank. There had to be a better way.

Finished with college, the two young men scraped together enough resources to open a waste fryer oil recycling Company in North Carolina. After several
years of trial and error, that Company became successful enough that they were able to create a cleaner, safer, simpler way to deliver and dispose of fryer oil. A better way, Fry Mizer's completely automated oil management system.

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